Wednesdays with Words: Gratitude Bestows

A New Year is on the cusp. A year in which I hope to revel in God, family, and vocation. To that end, I’ve begun Mystie’s Simplified Organization eCourse.
One of the quotes she quotes is by Milton and it stopped me in my tracks. (I even tweeted it immediately when I heard it):
Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.
What better ways to revel in God that to consider his great gifts to us? How wonderful that our whole frame of life changes when living a life of gratitude.
May the coming year bring your manifold blessings and give you great cause for reverence.
Isn't that an amazing quote? In a way, it's Ann Voskamp's entire premise, all summed up concisely (and grammatically to boot).
And for my word of the year, Virtue, there's Cicero: "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others."
In the reformed tradition (Heidelberg Catechism), gratitude is the summary of the "how then should we live" section: Guilt, Grace, Gratitude. I've seen criticism and push-back on the gratitude emphasis, but when I was writing that module and finding all those quotes, I came to love the Heidelberg even more with it's insistence that gratitude sums up how and why we obey.
It is amazing. I agree, it is a great summation of Voskamp's book. I'm thankful for all the work you put into your eCourse.
I thought about Mystie's course but the funds stopped me (for now.) Id love to hear your thoughts as you take it. 🙂
You do know it's on sale, $25 off, through Jan 15, right? So far its really well done. I'm at the brain dump stage, so I signed up for her declutter your head emails. The second comes today.