The Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 3, 2012
Outside my window… sunny and pleasant right now, gonna be hot and muggy later.
I am thinking… how nice it is to have a day off.
I am thankful… that Jason has the day off too.
In the kitchen… that’s a good question. Probably Trader Joe’s Tacquitos for lunch.
I am wearing… jammies. Need to get dressed.
I am creating… school thoughts.
I am going… to Whole Foods later. Probalby.
I am wondering… if N-boy is really sick or not 🙁 Thankfully, it’s just a cold.
I am reading… The Seven Laws of Teaching. I’ve not read it before. I also still have Moonwalking with Einstein. The writing is quite good and the subject is interesting, I just keep not picking it up and I’m not sure why.
I am hoping… to meet my new niece tomorrow. But not if N-boy is sick.
I am looking forward to… soccer, soccer, and more soccer.
I am learning… more about the children every day. They’re pretty amazing.
Around the house… I should run and fold a few loads of laundry. One is in the dryer. One is in a basket ready to fold and iron. Two are in our room needing to be washed.
I am pondering… radical changes to our schooling. It’ll take more work for me, but I think they might be worth it.
A favorite quote for today… “If all my mistakes are excused, if there’s an alibi, a rationalization for every blunder, then I am not free at all. I have become subhuman.” Madeleine L’Engle pg 50 The Summer of the Great-Grandmother
One of my favorite things… having my wonderful husband home on a weekday.
A few plans for the rest of the week… soccer, soccer, soccer, soccer, soccer …
A peek into my day… Watching the Buckeyes!

Hosted by The Simple Woman’s Daybook