The Simple Woman’s Daybook for November 19, 2012
Outside my window… sunny and bright.
I am thinking… about cleaning the basement. I should go get to work.
I am thankful… to be on break! We’ve worked hard this year and I’m so glad to have this time “off.” Of course, the calendar is already pretty full for December …
In the kitchen… Jason made chili on Saturday and it was wonderful!
I am wearing… jammies, but soon sweats …
I am creating… Yuletide Session plans … mostly in my head. It’s time to get them on paper.
I am going… to eat a lot of food this weekend.
I am wondering… why my son is barking. Seriously.
I am reading… back to The White Horse King! and Clouds of Witness.
I am hoping… to finish one of those this week.
I am looking forward to… Thanksgiving!
I am learning… about Alfred the Great.
Around the house… need to do some laundry.
I am pondering… folding the laundry that’s done.
A favorite quote for today… “Let the little children come to me and forbid them not.”
One of my favorite things… hearing N-boy play Angels We Heard on High on the piano. And all of them play Christmas music.
A few plans for the rest of the week… gobble, gobble, gobble. Clean the basement and the school room.
A peek into my day…

Hosted by The Simple Woman’s Daybook
M-girl looks so different with short hair!!! Enjoy your break! 🙂
She would. It's not cut, just tied back in a pony tail 🙂
She did get bangs this fall and that has been a big difference!
It looks like Monday is a big laundry day for us bloggers 😉 I did lots of it today too.
Happy Thanksgiving!