The Simple Woman’s Daybook for May 4, 2015
For Today… May 4, 2015 … May the force be with you …

Outside my [OPEN] window… is a sunny, pleasant, birdsong filled morning.
I am thinking… about the coming week and all its fun!
I am thankful… for our congregation, pastors, and the delight we have in celebrating God’s work in our lives. We enjoyed a wonderful celebration of our graduates last night!
I am wearing… shorts! Short sleeved shirt! Yay!
I am creating… graphics for the blog. I’m trying to improve my skills, such as they are.
I am going… to host my friend Jenny today who hopes to look through my homeschool cabinet.
I am wondering… how much we’ll get done today.
I am reading… Own Your Life by Sally Clarkson with my dear friend, Heather. We’re going chapter by chapter and are only on Chapter 5 this week. Won’t you join us?
I am hoping… to catch up on commenting from last week’s Wednesdays With Words linkup. I try to comment on every post. Good stuff there! A new linkup in two days!
I am learning… about wisdom.
In my kitchen… breakfast for dinner. A favorite for all of us who will be eating it. We enjoyed chicken fajitas on Saturday, too. Although almost all of that was done on the grill … veggies too!

In my garden… I now have two lonely tulips; one pink, one white. But the peonies are growing, too.
In the homeschool… a new month brings a new hymn: All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night. I don’t know this one, nor if it is in our hymnal.
A favorite quote for today… from the book on Old Testament Wisdom Literature linked above:

A peek into one of my days…

One of my favorite things… I do love bright spring mornings.
From the board room… Last week I shared my most popular board, MBTI, this week is
Post Script… I know the link is to be to a separate place, but I’m going to link to the recent guest post in my series about my 2015 Word of the year “Revel.” You don’t want to miss Mystie‘s post on how to Revel in Repetition.
Linking up with The Simple Woman.
I love breakfast for dinner! We have it once a week! Oh how I miss the days of watching my boys playing sports!! Have a great week!
We probably would, but my husband doesn't care for it, so we have it when he is away for an evening. We love sports here!
We really like having breakfast for dinner occasionally, too! Your fajitas look yummy – now I'm hungry for Mexican food, lol…
Have a wonderful week!
Mexican is always an easy, quick go-to here!
Hi! Stopping over to visit from Simple Woman's daybook. That breakfast for dinner looks delicious! I plan this some nights as well, fun to change it up once in awhile. 🙂 Have a wonderful day!
Welcome! Hope you stick around. The fajitas were super yummy 🙂 Thanks!
We sing All Praise to Thee every night before bed. It will be a wonderful addition. My hunch is that it is in your hymnal if you go to an OPC church…page 401 in the red Trinity Hymnal! So glad that you have a happy week ahead of you. Peace keep you, friend.
You pointed me to the exact right place. Plus it is on my Susan Beisner accompaniment CDs, so we sang it this morning during Circle Time, yay!
I usually make my children breakfast for dinner but skip it for myself. 🙂 I was going to ask if you were starting a bullet journal when I saw all your pins- hilarious! I've been researching a new blog / format / website. Pls share what you're learning & how!
I've been doing picmonkey and playing with the graphics until I get what I like. I also read this book: Blogging For Profit Without Losing Your Soul by Ruth Soukup of Living Well, Spending Less. It has been a surprisingly great help, despite my misgivings at the beginning.
We had breakfast for dinner last night. One of the grandkids favorites! Have a wonderful week
Thank you! You too!
Hi I'm Hayley,
I'm participating in the Simple Woman's Day-book as well. That breakfast for dinner looks delicious!
Have a good one
Hugs from Hayley
Thanks, you too Hayley!
Oh , you reminded me that I need to fire up the grill ! I usually cook 3 or 4 nights worth of meat and some veggies while I am grilling. Hmmm… now I need to go make a grocery list ! LOL I also enjoy breakfast food for dinner . My favorite is french toast ! Sorry … I must be hungry. The rest of your daybook was fun too . I just got stuck on the food this week . 🙂 Have a wonderful rest of the week . Hope you'll drop by !
I've noticed that food is always a sure-fire way to have people comment. 🙂 It is a good thing to get stuck on. I like your idea of prepping several meals at once, I may have to try moreof that!.
Those fajitas with grilled veggies look so good!
They were! My husband grilled a bunch of chicken and I'll use the leftovers in enchiladas later this week.