The Simple Woman’s Daybook for July 20, 2015
For Today… Monday, July 20

Outside my window….it’s sunny behind the clouds. And comfortably pleasant.
I am thinking… about yesterday’s powerful sermons. In the morning we learned about forgiveness and forgivingness. In the evening we were encouraged to understand God’s judgement, mercy, compassion and that he reigns over our lives from on High – higher even than our government.
I am thankful… for pastors who preach truth and challenge.
I am wearing… pajamas still. The children came home from camp on Saturday and yesterday was long, too, so I encouraged them to sleep in. N-boy just got up, the girls are still asleep.
I am creating…
I am going… to do some lessons with my children today. Yay!
I am wondering… about wondering. Did you know that the idea of wonder can be a noun, a verb, an adjective (wounderful, wonderous), and an adjective (wonderfully!)? I’m still enamored with the idea of wonder.
I am reading… If you’re wondering (ha!) why Wednesdays with Words has been so off and on recently, it is because I’m not reading things worth quoting. I am going to get back to it!
I am hoping… to have a solid week of school *and* blog about it! That’s a big goal for the week …
I am learning… about Periscope which is a great deal of fun.
In my kitchen… Saturday night we made one of my favorite easy dinners. I threw some leftover bacon (highly guarded, leftover on purpose) in a pot, two cans of cannellini beans, a can of roasted tomatoes, and wilt a box of spinach on top of it. Jason grilled some chicken with salt and pepper. Serve with parmesean. Delicious and easy and filling. Every last bit got eaten, next time I think we’ll need three cans of beans …

In my garden… Jason trimmed back the dead forsythia on Saturday. The tomato plants a friend gave me don’t seem to be growing, but they were almost dead when planted and they were free. So …
In the homeschool… we’re going to make some changes to circle time, adding Index Card a Day and using a die to select the number we’re going to practice our multiplication tables.
A favorite quote for today… “God gives to us what He requires from us.” Pastor Jason Kirklin from yesterday’s sermon.
A peek into one of my days… R-girl went to Art Camp last week while the older two went to Church Camp. I got a chance to go to the local coffee shop by myself on two different days. It was a wonderful break for all of us! R-girl had so much fun and learned so much.

One of my favorite things… having all of my children back home. It was a lovely, quieter week, but I am glad to be all back together as a family.
From the board room…
Post Script… I’m so very excited that Cindy Rollins has begun a podcast with David Kern at the CiRCE Institute about Charlotte Mason education, The Mason Jar. Only one episode so far, but sure to be long-term amazing. Plus, it’s Cindy, and I miss her.
Linking up with The Simple Woman.
Never realized that about Wonder. Thanks for sharing!
You're welcome. Glad you stopped by!
What great pics! It sounds like bacon is a highly valued commodity at your home as it is at ours – lol. Have a great week 🙂
Family motto: Everything is better with bacon. Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week, too!
My kids have every been away to camp. I don't know what it would feel like to have an empty house but I am getting close… Enjoyed your daybook and I hope your school week goes as planned! 🙂
My oldest went for the first time last year and I was very nervous about it, but it went so well. And this year went well because my youngest went to her Art daycamp too. Today has been hard, but it is Monday.
Nice reading your post today. Hope your week is a great one!
Thanks! You too!
love the pictures
Thank You!
Enjoyed reading your Daybook post! Loved the thought on "Wonder"…will have to think about that when I answer that prompt next week!! Love the look of that dish you made for Sat. night's dinner…no "wonder" it was all gone!!! The summer camps are always FUN for the little ones…my grandson is gone for a 1-week baseball camp at one of the universities in Florida – with his best friend since 6 years old (grandson is almost 16 and is gone away from home for the first time except little over-nights with grandmas!).
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your long comment and welcome to my blog! I never went to overnight camp, so when my eldest went last year, I was nervous. It was way better this year 🙂
R-girl has such a fun, bubbly spirit. 🙂
Exhaustingly bubbly. But fun. But exhausting. LOL
Mmmm! That dinner looks yummy!