The Simple Woman’s Daybook for January 26, 2015

Outside my window… 3-4″ of snow fell last night. The ground is white, the roofs are white, the sky is white …
I am thankful…

I am wearing… a big, warm sweatshirt and my very warm, rubber soled Ohio State slippers.
I am creating… nature study bags. Or, am ready to get back to work at it. More to come!
I am going… to stay home, I think.
I am wondering… when 5 hours of sleep will seem like too little again.
I am reading… well, I’m holding off on reading, Sally Clarkson’s new book Own Your Life. My MIL gave it to me yesterday, just because. Love her. I think it will go perfectly with my word of the year for 2015.
I am hoping… M-girl is feeling better soon. She woke feeling awful this morning. Poor baby.
I am looking forward to… my nephew’s birthday party on Sunday. He’ll be 2. So adorable.
I am learning… that I really need to preread with AmblesideOnline. Before our changes in homeschool style, I generally got away with not prereading. These books, I want to read, though.
Around the house… things are generally a mess after last week’s sickness.
I am pondering… what N-boy and R-girl and I can do for school without M-girl and without Mommy reading aloud (I still don’t feel like talking very much). That is the danger of keeping multiple kids together.
A favorite quote for today… “Intelligence plus character: that is the goal of a true education.” Martin Luther King, Jr. I pinned this recently to my Commonplace Books board and have been thinking about it ever since.
A few plans for the rest of the week… we definitely need to go to the grocery store. We have basketball practice and games. We have music lessons. We possibly have a postponed trip later in the week.
A peek into my day… it’s pretty, but cold. The kids might go out later if it warms up for part of school.

Hosted by The Simple Woman’s Daybook
I loved Ambleside Online, and did not preread. Sigh. Missed out there. Blessings on your week!
Thank you! I'm going to set some time this afternoon during quiet time to read. It's about building a family culture for us, and my kids are all doing the same year. If we were doing 3 different years, I might not do as well.
Hope your daughter is feeling better soon! Being sick is no fun!! Have a great week!
Me too! My husband and I have both had what she seems to have. I hope she gets over it more quickly and the other kids don't get it.
So sorry to hear about the sickness you have been suffering! May this week bring better health to your household!
Thanks! I appreciate your good wishes 🙂
Praying that you and yours get well soon. Try to enjoy the snow. We never get any here.
Thanks. Girl #2 has a fever after quiet time. Daddy and son headed for a walk in the snow.
Oh, I'm sorry you all are still sick! 🙁 Can any of your childre read aloud for the group while everyone rests?
Well, some of the reading was able to be done, but not a lot. Tuesday we were back to a solid partial day and today – Wednesday – we did most of a day but only because I had an appointment this morning. I'm pleased with what we accomplished.