Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 3, 2019
For Today… September 3, 2019
Outside my window… the sky is baby blue with streaks of white clouds. It’s lovely and cool, but will warm up later.
I am thinking… I have a lot to do today! We have a big day tomorrow and I need to prep food today.
I am thankful… for the opportunities my children have that make my days so busy.
I am wearing… sweat pants and Buckeye t-shirt and batega exercise socks from our morning walk.
I am creating… Folk Songs and Plutarch booklets for co-op.

I am going… to post this and then cook. And wash the fabric I bought.
I am wondering… if I’ll get everything done, perhaps I should make a list.
I am reading… The Plutarch Project Volume 5. I read about Alexander’s birth and youth in preparation for co-op tomorrow.
I am hoping… to get some reading done today – I didn’t yesterday.
I am learning… to take time for what is important.
In my kitchen… chicken and salsa is cooking in the crockpot. Chicken cooked and diced for tomorrow’s lunch casserole to make. I need to bake the ciabatta and make breakfast. I want to make sloppy joes for in the crockpot tomorrow so when the rotation of eaters need to eat they can.
In the homeschool room… AoPS pre-algebra is going well. Lukeion Latin is going well. Books are being read. Phineas Gage was just narrated; Mere Christianity before that.
A favorite quote for today… “There is a saying of King Alfred’s that I like to apply to our School,–“I have found a door,” he says. That is just what I hope your School is to you–a door opening into a great palace of art and knowledge in which there are many chambers all opening into gardens or field paths, forest or hills.”
I’m hosting CMiRL on Instagram this week using this speech (scroll to page 111).

A peek into one of my days… morning walk. That light, tho!

One of my favorite things… it’s football season again!
What a beautiful morning walk! (and that path through all the books looks good, too!) Time management — even though I'm in my retired years, that is still a skill that needs to be refreshed regularly. Blessings to you!