Book Review: Peter Tchaikovsky and the Nutcracker Ballet (Family Read Aloud)
Peter Tchaikovsky And The Nutcracker Ballet by Opal Wheeler My rating: 5 of 5 stars Own. We read this because the girls are going to see The Nutcracker this weekend. We loved it. The writing is so sweet and lovely. She makes Tchaikovsky come to life. He was loving, shy, and creative. The music was…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for December 10, 2012
FOR TODAY Outside my window… it is cold and dark. Saw a few flakes of snow earlier. I am thinking… about Christmas cards. I am thankful… for a fun weekend. In the kitchen… I made chocolate bark last week and it is yummy. I am wearing… jeans and my snowman sweatshirt. I am creating… plans…
Book Review: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson (Family Read Aloud)
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson My rating: 4 of 5 stars Own. My parents are going to take the children to see the play this week and asked if we would read the book ahead of time. I don’t know if I’ve ever read it before; I’ve seen the play, though, so…
Book Review: Clouds of Witness by Dorothy L Sayers
Clouds of Witness by Dorothy L. Sayers My rating: 4 of 5 stars Library. I really enjoyed this murder mystery. Intriguing, not easy to figure out with so many other happenings that need to drawn away to find the actual event. It took a bit of work to get going, but once I did, I…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for November 19, 2012
FOR TODAY Outside my window… sunny and bright. I am thinking… about cleaning the basement. I should go get to work. I am thankful… to be on break! We’ve worked hard this year and I’m so glad to have this time “off.” Of course, the calendar is already pretty full for December … In the…

Wordless(ish) Wednesday for November14, 2012: Finished!
She finished today! It was like pulling teeth and getting her to concentrate when she reads is a chore. But she can do it!

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for November 12, 2012
FOR TODAY Outside my window… dark, but now it’s because it’s night. I am thinking… about eating ice cream and that I probably won’t. I am thankful… for a fantastic trip to Hilton Head Island with family. In the kitchen… there are groceries recently put away. I am wearing… jeans, green shirt, striped sweater. I…
Book Review: Black Beauty by Anna Sewell (Audio Book; Family Read Aloud)
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell My rating: 3 of 5 stars Librivox Recording For our drive home from Hilton Head we listened to the Librivox recording of Black Beauty. I never read it as a child and didn’t know what to expect. We had differing opinions throughout the family. The children enjoyed the story. They…