R-girl lost her first tooth.
She’s pretty excited.
She’s pretty excited.
I’m still here! My posting will be light while I’m having some computer issues. Probably posts will be mostly pictures which I can do without a lot of typing. I hope to post some here and there, but it will be less consistent than it has been. I’m also taking an edX course: The Ancient…
We had an interesting week. We had Monday off. That was nice. We needed a day to do not so much. We did go geocaching at a local park with Jason, so that was a fun outing. We saw how pioneers had used trees to create the fence line at the edge of their property. …
The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert: An English Professor’s Journey into Christian Faith by Rosaria Champagne Butterfield My rating: 5 of 5 stars Own. Bought it for Kindle. What a read. Wish I bought a paper copy because I want to lend it to other people to read! This suddenly began being all over…
FOR TODAY Outside my window… it’s dark. Late.I am thinking… I should have done this earlier today, but better late than never.I am thankful… for a day off with my husband. In the kitchen… hidden in the pantry are some chocolate mint cookies. I should go get one.I am wearing… jeans and a black shirt….
Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi My rating: 3 of 5 stars Own. We have averaged our stars as a family. Some (the younger contingent) gave it 5 stars. The older gave it 1-2 stars. Overall, I think it was worth reading and many lessons were learned vicariously ( I hope). As a read aloud, it seemed…