Book Club: The Hidden Art of Homemaking Chapter 4
Cindy is hosting a Book Club discussing The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer. Please join us! I’ve never considered myself artistic. The college prep track I took in school left no room for art class. College really, either excepting the Art History class I was required to take. I enjoy some art, but…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for May 14, 2013
FOR TODAY Outside my window… is grey with a luminescence from the sun behind the trees and houses. Striking. I am thinking… about starting lessons for the day. I am thankful… for antibiotics and tetanus shots after R-girl stepped on something and got an infection.In the kitchen… I’m supposed to be making Sandwich for a…
Book Club: The Hidden Art of Homemaking Chapter 3
Cindy is hosting a Book Club discussing The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer. Please join us! Chapter 3 starts with a push. Music. The 3 months of piano lessons I took … my parents made me quit when I wouldn’t practice. Years of church and school choir … I still can’t carry a…
Book Review: The Pemberley Chronicles by Rebecca Ann Collins
The Pemberley Chronicles by Rebecca Ann Collins My rating: 3 of 5 stars Own on Kindle. A long time ago, maybe even before I owned a Kindle, Amazon was “selling for $0.00” Jane Austen books and some of the modern fan written sequels. I looked carefully at the reviews and chose a few including this…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for May 6, 2013 a day late
FOR TODAY Outside my window… it’s sunshiny but rain is expected.I am thinking… about staring school in about 10 minutes.I am thankful… that Jason and I were able to attend the funeral of my friend’s (and his cousin’s) father.In the kitchen… spaghetti and meatballs in the crock pot! I’ll make it just before we leave…
Circle Time Monday for April 29, 2013
Memory Work for the week of … : April 29, 2013 Bible: We began Colossians 3:12-17 last week and are continuing it for a while. It’s easier than the Philippians 2 verses we just finished. Catechism/Creed: M-girl continues to review. N-boy is on the last page! He’s close to being done, huzzah! R-girl is working…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for April 29, 2013
FOR TODAY Outside my window… it’s dark. The sun has set. I am thinking… about the Reds game that’s on. Hope they beat the Cards tonight. I am thankful… for my niece who turned 5 yesterday. In the kitchen… breakfast for dinner: ricotta pancakes and bacon. Yum. I am wearing… jeans and short sleeved shirt. …