Wordy Wednesday: A Matter of Training

Wordy Wednesday: A Matter of Training

Some more of Sayers’ Have His Carcase: “That policeman doesn’t believe a word I’ve been saying,” [Olga] whispered anxiously, “but you do, don’t you?” “I do,” replied Wimsey. “But you see, I can believe a thing without understanding it. It’s all a matter of training.” Linked to Wednesday with Words at Ordo-Amoris. Join us with…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 9, 2013

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 9, 2013

FOR TODAY Outside my window… it’s hot. Like August. But in September. I am thinking…about our busy week. I am thankful…that it’s quiet time for five more minutes. In the kitchen…pancakes and bacon for dinner! I am wearing…khaki shorts and purple, flowery top. I am creating…the kids’ shrinky-dink stained glass window. I am going…to soccer…

Circle Time Sept 3-6, 2013

Circle Time plans for the week of … : Bible: We’re working on Colossians 3:12-17. Catechism/Creed: R-girl is still working on the 6th and 7th Commandments.  The others are reviewing through the catechism.     Hymn: We are working on the second verse of “Now Unto Jehovah, Ye Sons of the Mighty.” I had to use…