Wordy Wednesday: Cerulean Surface of the Sea

Wordy Wednesday: Cerulean Surface of the Sea

More from Carolyn Weber’s new book, Holy is the Day.  I loved this book. One of my favorite sentences. Ever.: “All of a sudden, without warning, an enormous pewter arch breaks the cerulean surface of the sea.” pg 107 ——————————————— No one had warned me just how truly power-full you became when filled with the…

Book Review: The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann R Wyss

The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann David Wyss My rating: 5 of 5 stars Librivox Download.  Excellently read by Kara Shallenberg. We listened to this on our travels.  All five of us enjoyed it immensely. Obviously, there is no place on earth where this number and variety of vegetation, animals and landscapes reside together on…