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Also, I notice my page has errors on it, but can’t figure out what … can any of you smart folks give me a hand in deciphering what the error message is? Thanks!
Also, I notice my page has errors on it, but can’t figure out what … can any of you smart folks give me a hand in deciphering what the error message is? Thanks!
An interesting article I heard on NPR about the consolidation of internet new outlets has been edited and posted here. I recommend actually listening to the report, there is more information there, I think. In general, the internet has afforded a much greater base of news outlets, but this recent study shows “internet users spend…
The Invisibles are pretty cool. More cool than Jason’s G I Joe link! Link thanks to her.
Pretty strong speculation was confirmed in documents declassified in June . As early as late 1941-early 1942, the US Government in Washington was aware of Nazi intentions to eradicate the world’s Jewish population.
Bible Pathway Ministries’ missions in India in conjunction with Hopegivers International (whose site is currently down), has been advised not to let Hopegivers’ founder, Dr. Thomas, return from the US to India. If you scroll through these articles, you’ll see that despite the fact that Dr Thomas’ work has won a prestigious award in India…
By villifying Clarence Thomas as a Nazi (and specifically as Hitler or Goebbles!), some of the members of the ACLU in Hawai’i are showing their true colors.
Scary Link courtesy of accidentaljulie
well … that was quick.
Ridiculous. That this person could send a letter claiming they hit and ran, killing a police officer, but that they aren’t going to turn themselves in because “the officer was reckless.” Let’s hope the postmark helps to catch them, and that they have a trial before a jury of their peers – that’s when it…
hmmm … seems reblogger is down.