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NRO has an interesting article about The Battle Hymn of the Republic and the innate tensions within it. Some detractors have said that it was OT focused, while Mr. Beran disagrees. He also discusses the paradox of skipping the second verse of “A Mighty Fortress” yet singing the final verse of the Battle Hymn during…

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I stayed up entirely too late last night. Friends was pretty funny. I wish I had seen the last couple of episodes, though. ‘er‘ was good. I haven’t really watched it for the past season or so, but I did enjoy it. Kerry has always been out for #1, but is becoming more Romano-like than…

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This was an interesting radio segment about the far reaches of Myanmar. Barter is the main economic system near the town of Putao, and the object of their desire? Salt. They found several new species of animals and set up some wildlife refuges. The story got a little loopy toward the end when he started…

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I told Jim I was learning new things. Not only did Jason teach me how to put those lovely pictures on my blog, I also figured out how to scan, resize, and crop the picture for the Calvinism book and put it on my blog. I’m too darn proud of myself.

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I had never heard of In-N-Out (except the movie) prior to reading Brandon’s site. Now, it seems to be everywhere. In the Richmond, VA airport, there was a guy wearing a rather worn In-N-Out T-shirt. On the road on my way home tonight, there was a car with an In-N-Out bumper sticker. I just thought…

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You’ll notice to the left that I’ve added links to books I’m currently reading – or attempting to read. We got The New Testament and the People of God on Mark’s recommendation and I started it, but it is a bit overwhelming. I don’t really know why I’ve been avoiding the Calvinism book for so…