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Scott asked which book of the Adams’ I was reading and since links don’t work so well in his comments, I’m reading The Book of Abigail and John. It is selected letters from 1762-1784 and starts off somewhat sillily, but I believe the letters become more serious as their relationship grows. I should keep reading…

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I tried Baked Doritos today. They don’t taste anything like Doritos. In fact, they’re not good. I can’t find anything about them on the Frito Lay or Doritos websites, so I’m assuming “Columbus, Ohio Test Market” is the culprit for me trying them.

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This Semi-Pelagian Catechism would be really funny if it weren’t so true. I don’t know if Zadok wrote it, but I’m going to give him credit until I find out otherwise. 12. Q: And what else hast thou got in thine heart? A: I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. 13….

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We got our first shipment of International wines today. We’ve really enjoyed the California wines we’ve gotten monthly through the A Taste of California Wine Club and they just started a quarterly International shipment. The worst part (or best depending on your pov) is that we don’t go to World Market to buy wine very…