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My boss’ father passed away in his sleep Saturday night. Shaun (my boss) and his son went out to visit him Saturday evening and play cards with grandma and grandpa. The four had a great evening playing cards and visiting. Sunday morning grandpa didn’t wake up. It was rather a surprise. Anyway, the funeral is…

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This is Homecoming weekend for The Ohio State University. One of the best Homecoming stories (pranks) in OSU history is from 1926 where 13,000 of the 9,000 students elected Maudeen Ormsby, a holstein cow! No wonder people call Columbus a cow town (the “Mad Cows” would have been such a cool name for our hockey…

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Well, I’ve now lost on my first eBay bid. Only because I put a maximum on and don’t want to spend more for it, I could still bid some more for a bit, I suppose, but it isn’t worth spending more for it. I’ll just keep my eyes open for what I want at a…

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One of the girls from church (hmmm … “girls” might not be the right term, she has two children, but is younger than I am, so, [shrug] oh well) lent me her copy of Let’s Roll: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Courage, which is the Todd and Lisa Beamer story. I’m glad I read it. It wasn’t…

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You may be wondering about all the green links. I’ve been playing with blogrolling.com’s tool and this is the only way I could get the links on the side green. This is such a neat tool and easy way to keep your blog list, I think I’m going to enjoy it.

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What a fantastic weekend, although it is a bit of a blur … Friday night I fought rush-hour traffic in a heavy rainstorm (thanks, Lili) to get home in time to cook, eat dinner with Jason, change clothes and head back downtown for the first concert in the symphony package we bought. An American in…

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I was messing around with my Amazon.com wishlist some at lunch today. I must say that while the feature is useful, it isn’t as useful as it could be. While I can sort by type item (book, cd, dvd, etc.), the default being “Date Added” is not the most legitimate order. I also would like…