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For my birthday, Jason and I both took the day off work in order to use the COSI tickets his parents got us for Christmas (Thanks again, mom!). We had talked about eating lunch at COSI in their cafeteria, but as we followed the signs down Broad Street, I remembered we would pass this restaraunt…

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This past Saturday evening, Jason and I went to the third concert in our CSO package. This concert was Garrick Ohlsson plays Brahms The first part was the CSO alone playing Respighi’s Sinfonia Drammatica. Honestly, I thought it was really long and the first movement was very boring. It was so long that after the…

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We rented The Count of Monte Cristo the other day and watched it last night finally. It was fantastic! I enjoyed the acting, the story, the music. I have a feeling I would like it less if had I previously read the book, however seeing as I had not, this movie was goood. I was…

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Over the weekend we rented In the Bedroom and Triple-X. [rather a diverse selection, eh?] “In the Bedroom” was pretty good.. It was a study of interpersonal relations when a murder (Or was it really an accident? We never really find out.) is in the mix. A seemingly happy marriage was silenced by the tragedy…