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I just got home from the concert. This was either my third or fourth Caedmon’s show, and my sixth Jars show. The opening group is a new group: Glass Byrd. The group is comprised of Christine Glass and Marc Byrd. I’ve really enjoyed their work before. Christine Glass has a couple of decent solo albums,…

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We’ve heard so many horror stories about how the Iraqi government has treated its own people . We’ve heard horror stories about how the American POWs were treated during the Gulf War. And, yet, in 1994 we allowed women in combat positions, have allowed them in the front lines of this war, and have had…

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I picked up I Taught Myself to Crochet at my local Meijer recently. It was easy and straightforward to teach me how to crochet. I’m still working on it, and it will certainly take time to get proficient, but I’ve made good progress.

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So, we went to church yesterday and the seating arrangement is totally changed. We used to have two columns of chairs with an aisle between. Seeing as we have several large families in our congregation, long rows of chairs worked quite well. Now, we have three columns of chairs with two aisles. The center section…

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Over the weekend we rented Amelie and Signs. Amelie was enjoyable, light, and quirky. Amelie learned that being kind/generous made her feel good, so she decided to do more kind/generous things. Amelie’s generosity had a deliberately harsh side, though. The Glass Man was a particularly interesting character to me, as a mentor to Amelie and…

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I’m still loving my Claire Holley CDs. I decided to check out her site to see if there’s anything new out (and something’s coming in June! Woo-Hoo!), and found there’s an earlier CD than the ones I have, so I’m going to order this one from Paste Music. Paste recommended someone who has worked with…

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fascinating We tend to think that “unleavened bread” means bread that hasn’t risen, but that isn’t necessarily the case. God did not prohibit Israel from using yeast. What was prohibited was leaven. The leaven in question was a bit of dough from the previous batch. The dough would be allowed to ferment (thereby producing yeast)…