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We have a second showing on our house tonight between 6-7:00. Please pray that the people are interested and that timing and money wise all will work out. In the Lord’s providence, of course … I’d love to have the house in contract before the baby comes so I don’t have to leave the house…

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I left work early yesterday because I was pretty tired and wanted to go take a nap. I got home about 3:40 and there was a message on the machine that there was a showing scheduled for 3:30-4:30 so I had to leave 🙁 I was having a hard time thinking about where to go…

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Valerie asked for an update. Let’s begin way back in August. For Christmas my parents got us (the whole family) tickets to see Mamma-Mia (be careful, there may be ABBA music playing when you click the link!) So, we went to see that on August 13. The story and dancing were a bit on the…

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Sooo … it turns out that I have AB Positive blood, not Negative. So I didn’t have to get the Rhogam shot. The CNM (Certified Nurse Midwife) assures me that having had the shot won’t hurt me or the baby. The happy news is that I don’t have to get extra shots ever again. The…

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OK, all you moms and soon-to-be moms, I’ve heard before that babies suck your brains out while you’re pregnant, and am very willing to admit the truth of this. I’m wondering, however, if I have an interesting side effect or if it is common: songs and jingles get stuck in my head for hours and…

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Last night I was flipping channels and came across the Big 33 – Football Classic game. The Big 33 game is an all-star football game for recent graduates in Ohio vs recent graduates in Pennsylvania. Evidently, the game was actually played on Saturday, but not shown until last night here in Ohio. It was an…

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A couple of people have asked how the pregnancy is going, etc.  I’m at 30 weeks and feel great, although I do get a bit tired in the evenings.  It is different from the first tri-mester when I was pretty much drained 24-7, now I can take a nap and actually still get something accomplished…