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Meg loves being a big sister. All three times she came to the hospital, she’d just point and say, “Baby!” over and over and over. She’d go explore the hospital room, then come back and inform all of us that there was a baby. Then, when we came home, I let her “hold” him. She…

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I had an ultrasound this morning to see how big the baby due on Sunday is and the doctors are guessing around 10lb 14oz-11lbs. As I went 2 weeks past due with Meg, we decided not to risk an even bigger baby (she was 10lb 1.2oz) plus I’ve been very uncomfortable with this little one….

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The Mansfield Park type: Another under-representedand misunderstood type, these people areserious-minded and not afraid to stand up fortheir principles. They admire others who do thesame. Possessing a bit of a protective streak,they are ever-ready to defend theirunfortunately oft-abused heroine, and haveinexplicably never had the urge to hit Edmundover the head with a 2 x 4…