Field Trip: COSI

Field Trip: COSI

R-girl and N-boy playing the drum with their heartbeats. The laser harp. Ah! He shot at me with the water gun! (thankfully, I was behind protective glass.)  R-girl pulled “herself” up in the chair thanks to pulleys. M-girl was trying to build bridges. N-boy too. We had a fun day at CoSI!

Ed Philosophy: “Fattening up their souls”

Another CiRCE chat, more Andrew Kern quotes. Educating in order to “Fatten up their Souls” You’ll read old stories together. You’ll talk about what you read. You’ll give them experiences seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting beautiful things. You’ll give them the same sort of experiences with true and good things; especially in your words…

Eclectic Music Tastes

The children are in the basement “playing” their instruments and singing.  The selection has been, er, eclectic at best.  The last two songs? Mmmm-Ah! Went the Little Green Frog (don’t ask me, ask Jason) How Great Thou Art It is a bit of a mental jolt with each new song …