Book Review: A Sweet Flame: Piety in the Letters of Jonathan Edwards

Reformation Heritage Books is publishing a series of books called “Profiles in Reformed Spirituality.”  When I was at the Cincinnati Homeschool convention, I picked up A Sweet Flame: Piety in the Letters of Jonathan Edwards.  What a great little book!  Twenty-six of Edwards’ letters, two  from his family after his death, and a copy of…

The Simple Woman’ Daybook for August 30, 2010

The Simple Woman’ Daybook for August 30, 2010

FOR TODAY   August 30, 2010 … Outside my window… the hot weather is returning and the sun is shining. I am thinking… about lessons for today. I am thankful for… our church. From the learning rooms… We’re studying the United Kingdom and Ireland this week. From the kitchen… chicken fried rice tonight, I think.  We…

Weekly Report: 8/22/10-8/27/10

Weekly Report: 8/22/10-8/27/10

The week started slowly and with some difficulty, but Wednesday went very very well.  We’re working on getting through our regular work.  In a week or two, we’ll be adding some assigned individual work.  Memory Work: Bible: Saturday’s recitation didn’t go very well, so we spent the week reviewing through Day Four. Catechism/Creed:M-girl is doing…

Miscellaneous Resources

I love that Memoria Press has interesting articles in their catalog.  This summer, there were two that I enjoyed: “The Rhetoric of Amazement: What Children’s Literature Teaches Us” by Martin Cothran; and “The Greatest Single Defect of My Own Latin Education” by Dorothy Sayers (Edited to add: Memoria Press has published this online as well,…