The Simple Woman’ Daybook for October 11, 2010

The Simple Woman’ Daybook for October 11, 2010

FOR TODAY   Monday, October 11, 2010… Outside my window…it is cooler and a little cloudy but nice. I am thinking… 80+ degrees is too hot in Ohio in October. I am thankful for… M-girl who turns 6 this week.  She’s wonderful, smart, fun, helpful, beautiful, sweet, generous, funny  …  From the learning rooms… We’re having…

The Simple Woman’ Daybook for September 27, 2010

The Simple Woman’ Daybook for September 27, 2010

FOR TODAY   Monday September 27, 2010 … Outside my window… it is raining and chilly and autumn has arrived. I am thinking… about community and nourishing children’s souls and my sinfulness and the idols I create in my heart. I am thankful for… the OPC where there is Godly preaching and teaching.  And especially for…