Read Aloud Thursday: The Mouse and the Mouse and the Motorcycle

We’re continuing with The Jungle Book (we started the third from last story last night) and enjoying it.  We just finished the story The King’s Ankus and there was a lot to talk about and explain in that story.  I love the discussions we’ve been able to have with our reading, and especially that we…

First Day Tomorrow!

Tomorrow (Monday) is our first day for the 2011 Academic Year.  We’re all excited about getting started. I hope to start a tradition of asking these questions of the children on the first day each year. First Day Questionnaire                                                      Here is our “Ideal Day” schedule … knowing…

Book Club: Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child : Introduction

Cindy is hosting a new book club!  We’ll be reading Andrew Esolen’s Ten Ways’ to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child. Some quotes that stood out to me: “If we believe what we say, that “children are our greatest resource,” then we need to do something about it.  Resources are valuable because they are good,…