Book Club: Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child : Don’t Leave them to Themselves

Completely random, incoherent thoughts … ——————————————————— OK, so I actually had the whole chapter read by Sunday this time, and here I am finally posting on Friday.  That homeschooling thing is taking so much time! ——————————————————— All that outside time I posted about before, yeah, unsupervised. So, maybe its OK I don’t like outside, Brandy. …

Book Club: Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child : Keep them Inside

When I was younger than seven, we lived in a house with a huge yard, with a few trees  in one corner along a drain ditch glamourously referred to as a creek.  Three of the trees had grown close together and we called them the “telephone tree” … this was when there were telephone booths. …

Love that child labor

Love that child labor

 N-boy shoveled a path down the sidewalk from the corner to the other neighbor’s driveway.  He wanted to help the neighbors out.  Yay, N-boy! Great work! M-girl shoveled a little too, can’t let her little brother show her up 😉  R-girl pulled some beach toys out and made a “snow castle.”  I would have never…