Notes from Midwest Homeschool Conference II

I mentioned that Dr. Perrin’s lectures were among my favorites. That is understating the case, far understating.  While I very much was encouraged by Martin Cothran’s lectures and others, Dr. Perrin’s lectures were the ones I needed to hear over the course of the weekend. Dr. Perrin, publisher of Classical Academic Press, did present two…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for April 18, 2011

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for April 18, 2011

FOR TODAY   April 18, 2011 … Outside my window… It is cloudy with a band of yellow from the sun. I am thinking… about encouraging right sentiments in children. I am thankful for… our Pastor’s return from sabbatical.  From the learning rooms… newly reorganized and rearranged, hope to accomplish much today! From the kitchen… cheesy…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for April 4, 2011

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for April 4, 2011

FOR TODAY April 4, 2011 … Outside my window… it is getting dark after a day of thunderstorms I am thinking… “Structure brings freedom” and “Pride turns virtue into vice.” I am thankful for… a wonderful conference with good companions: Anna, Heather, and Jeanelle. Exhausting and encouraging. From the learning rooms… catchup week after last…