Untitled Post

Untitled Post

FOR TODAY October 24, 2011…Outside my window… cold and rainy … maybe thunderstorms later. I am thinking… we need to replace the light fixture in the laundry. I am thankful… for a wonderful, busy weekend. From the learning rooms… more Greeks, the five senses, and more. In the kitchen… transitioning from summer foods to winter…

Book Review: Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen

Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen My rating: 3 of 5 stars Library. This was a quick read, and a little more [ahem] *adult* than I generally prefer.  The story is predictable, but engrossing.  The writing is occasionally really really good, and occasionally heavy handed and obviously trying too hard.  It is a first novel,…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for October 17, 2011

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for October 17, 2011

FOR TODAY October 17, 2011 …Outside my window… cool with crisp blue skies.  A perfectly autumnal day. I am thinking… about getting chores and lessons started. I am thankful… for the wonderful time we had for M-girl’s birthday party.  From the learning rooms… nature walk and library trip today.  An art project, and someone needs…