The Simple Woman’s Daybook for 11/21/2011

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for 11/21/2011

FOR TODAY   November 21, 2011 …Outside my window… cold, grey, and rainy. I am thinking… about pastor’s sermon yesterday discussing the ordinariness in the Christian faith. I am thankful… for a wonderful church where the gospel is preached. From the learning rooms… nothing.  We’re on break this week! In the kitchen… that’s a very very…

Academic Year 2011 in Review (M-girl)

M-girl had a great year! She improved in every skill area.  While my curricular choices don’t tend toward the flashy, I’ve been pleased by their effectiveness.   In particular, M-girl’s writing, both in legibility and thought, are cleaner and more beautiful.  M-girl is very bright and gets easily frustrated at even a little bit of difficulty. …

Academic Year 2011 Review (Content Areas)

We had a good year.  I’m pleased with the advancement in knowledge and skills the children made.  I’m disappointed in my own inconsistencies because I think we could have easily gotten further.  I, particularly, wish we had gotten through more of the content areas of Bible, history, and science.  All in all, though, I’m content…

Memory Work Monday

Memory Work for the week of … : November 7, 2011 Bible: Psalm 100 Catechism/Creed: Nicene Creed Hymn: All People that on Earth Do Dwell Poetry: Polishing Level 1 for M-girl & N-boy.  R-girl, “There Was an Old Person Whose Habits” Hooray! Counting: Skip Counting by 8s Other Memory Work: We’re working on the history…