Book Review: Lit! A Christian Guide to Reading Books by Tony Reinke

Lit!: A Christian Guide to Reading Books by Tony Reinke My rating: 3 of 5 stars Own. This book came highly recommended from all sorts of places (Challies, World Mag, and the referrals on the book itself: Ryken, Alcorn, Packer) and I really wanted to love it. I at least wanted to like it, not…

2012 Plans: Academics

Generally, we do “Content” together during Circle Time or other specified gathering times and “Skills” on an individual basis.  Obviously those categories are not hard and fast, but it is as good a division as any.  I also want to have some individual work for the children to give them something to do when I’m…

2012 Plans: Hymns

Here are our selections for the year. This gets harder every year, because I love more and more hymns!  The numbers are for with the new Trinity Hymnal. I put the date we should begin the hymn, Lord willing, we tend to do one verse per week. January – Review month. February – (1/30) –…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for 1/2/2012

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for 1/2/2012

FOR TODAY January2, 2012… Outside my window… cold and snowy. I am thinking… my house looks a lot bigger without the Christmas tree.  I am thankful… we’ve had such a great Yuletide Session.  Next week may be a tough transition. From the learning rooms… planning, planning, cleaning. In the kitchen… snackety snacks for “New Years”…

Books Read in 2011

This year I completed one book more than last year, with 42.  I really had a good reading year: many books I loved, few that I disliked.  There are a number that I began and never finished (including two from the online book club … [boo]) but would very much like to complete. Here’s the…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for December 27, 2011

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for December 27, 2011

FOR TODAY   Tuesday December 27, 2011 …Outside my window… grey and rainy with probable snow tonight. I am thinking… how nice it is to be *home* I am thankful… for a wonderful Christmas with our families. From the learning rooms… time to plan for 2012. In the kitchen… Baked chicken tonight.  Simple food after and…