Book Review: The Rich Are Different by Susan Howatch

The Rich Are Different by Susan Howatch My rating: 4 of 5 stars Own. I love Susan Howatch’s writing.  What beautiful sentences she writes! Her stories are intriguing and hold together – despite their unbelievability at times. (Probably because they’re based on true stories) She is amazing at giving voices to her character-narrators.  They all…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for April 30, 2012

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for April 30, 2012

FOR TODAY Outside my window… warm and sunny.  Gorgeous spring day for the children to enjoy swinging.I am thinking… about naptime.  I should be thinking about grocery shopping.I am thankful… for my niece who turned 4 over the weekend.In the kitchen… the dishwasher needs emptied!I am wearing… jeans and a purple flowered top. I am…

Conference Reflections – Cincinnati Homeschool Convention 2012

I enjoyed this year’s convention very much.  This was the first Homeschool Convention I ever attended without Heather and that was kind of strange, she was missed.  Neither Anna nor Jeanelle were able to attend, but my most-wonderful-in-the-world Mother in Law and super-great Sister in Law were attending, and we had that lovely commute in…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for April 23, 2012

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for April 23, 2012

FOR TODAY Outside my window… it is cool and light.I am thinking… too many thoughts from the convention.I am thankful… for the opportunity to learn from amazing educators like Andrew Kern, Susan Wise Bauer, Christopher Perrin, and Martin Cothran.In the kitchen… I haven’t cooked for a while … grocering tonight!I am wearing… black sweats and…

Commonplace Book: For Liberty and Glory by James Gaines

In America, on the other hand, the French Revolution dominated both domestic and foreign affairs throughout Washington’s two terms as president.  Especially after the execution of Louis XVI and France’s declaration of war on England, it became one of the most divisive and defining elements of American politics, at just the time when the newly…