The Simple Woman’s Daybook for August 20, 2012
FOR TODAY Outside my window… perfection. Sunny, a crisp breeze. Beautiful.I am thinking… about starting lessons.I am thankful… that we got to visit with Lenise and the boys on Saturday. In the kitchen… I made lasagna and panna cotta on Saturday and it was yummy.I am wearing… jeans skirt and green top. I am creating……

Weekly Report for August 13-17, 2012
We had a pretty good week of lessons. Monday through Wednesday were solid, complete days. Yesterday and today involved reading and cleaning and music appreciation and Latin. I recorded the Boston Pops at Tanglewood from PBS for the kids. M-girl, in particular, loved it. Phonics: R-girl: is starting to work on r-controlled vowels. I am…
Book Review: Right Ho, Jeeves by PG Wodehouse
Right Ho, Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse My rating: 5 of 5 stars Own on Kindle. Funny. Hilarious, even, in spots. A Comedy of circs. and misunderstandings. Wish there were more Jeeves & Wooster on this collection I have. Guess I’ll have to try the Psmith stories. Off to research where to begin. View all my…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for August 13, 2012
FOR TODAY Outside my window… it’s chilly and pleasant. I am thinking… about starting lessons in a few minutes.I am thankful… that I submitted my “Notice of Intent to Homeschool” on time – a little early even! In the kitchen… things are tidied and generally put away.I am wearing… jeans shorts and yellow tshirt. I…
Book Review: Detectives in Togas (Family Read Aloud)
Detectives In Togas by Henry Winterfeld My rating: 3 of 5 stars Own. We read Detectives in Togas as a read aloud. The children really enjoyed the story and trying to figure out what was going on. I thought it was OK. It was interesting enough, but the writing seemed to fluctuate between formal and…
Book Review (of a sort): My Man, Jeeves by P G Wodehouse
My Man Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse My rating: 4 of 5 stars Own on Kindle. This collection of short stories was perfect for late night reading. Amusing and interesting. The situational humor, the class-commentary, and the outcomes were entertaining and something to consider but wasn’t too challenging to the reader. I liked Wooster and Jeeves…

Weekly Report for – oh, June, July, and August so far …
Um, so, I haven’t posted a Weekly Report since May. We have done lessons during that period as well as summery things like vacation, VBS, the Ohio State Fair, and all th rest. I figure we’ve done 2-3 days of school a week in the last 8 weeks. And we’ve accomplished a lot. Phonics: R-girl:…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for August 6, 2012
FOR TODAY Outside my window… it is sunny, but cooler. I am thinking… about what to accomplish today.I am thankful… for a lovely visit to my in-laws on Saturday.In the kitchen… I haven’t really cooked in a few days. I don’t know what the plan is … I am wearing… jammies so far, but I’ll…
Commonplace Entry: A Circle of Quiet by Madeleine L’Engle
Cooking is the only part of housekeeping I manage with any grace; it’s something like writing a book: you look in the refrigerator and see what’s there, choose all the ingredients you need, and a few your husband thinks you don’t need, and put them all together to concoct a dish. Vacuum cleaners are simply…