The Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 10, 2012

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 10, 2012

FOR TODAY Outside my *OPEN* window… It’s beautiful, a bit chilly (need sweatshirts in the house) and smells like fall.  There’s a brilliant sun and blue sky.  Perfect. I am thinking… about the true truth of God’s Word. So thankful that Jesus prayed that his people be sanctified through it. I am thankful… a fun…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 3, 2012

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 3, 2012

FOR TODAY Outside my window… sunny and pleasant right now, gonna be hot and muggy later.I am thinking… how nice it is to have a day off.I am thankful… that Jason has the day off too.In the kitchen… that’s a good question.  Probably Trader Joe’s Tacquitos for lunch.I am wearing… jammies.  Need to get dressed….

Book Review: The Summer of the Great-Grandmother by Madeleine L’Engle

The Summer of the Great-Grandmother by Madeleine L’Engle My rating: 5 of 5 stars Own. Much to consider.  What is the essence of a person, the ousia?  A wonderful follow-up to A Circle of Quiet.  L’Engle wrestles with life, death, identity, and the soul.  I particularly loved the section of her mother’s ancestry and the…