Our Weekly Amble for September 28-October 2, 2015

Break week was necessary and fantastic.
We relaxed some, we worked a great deal.
On Monday, we watched the second to the last of the History Channel’s “The Ultimate Guide to the Presidents.” In general, I’ve found these to be balanced enough and pretty well done. We still talk about things. I like the earlier episodes, the later episodes are slightly more problematic from a conservative viewpoint.
We also watched a couple of Avengers cartoons. You know, because break. And Monday.
We had soccer practices or games most days. I’m trying to Survive them Sanely, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. Happily, I prewrote the series and am enjoying the fruit of that.
Tuesday, we had a child need a filling at the dentist; a Vet appointment for our crazy dog Buck (he prescribed a sedative hoping that a couple more weeks would help him relax and trust us); and I met with a friend of a friend to discuss AmblesideOnline, Charlotte Mason, and homeschooling in general. We had planned to meet at a park, but had to reschedule for the library.
Wednesday, after we ran, we worked on cleaning up children’s bedrooms and the loft. We also had the start of the Homeschool Chorus and piano lessons. Soccer, of course, finished the day. In the late afternoon, I planned lessons for next week. I decided to try Sarah MacKenzie’s Spiral-Notebooks.
On Thursday, we really did clean the house as I was preparing to go on our presbytery’s Women’s Retreat. We vaccuumed and laundered and dusted and did a lot of general putting away. It wasn’t the children’s favorite day, but it was necessary. We, again, finished the day with soccer. I went to the grocery store after the game, while Jason took the children (and dog) home for dinner.
Friday, my mother-in-law came to watch the children so I could go to the Presbytery of Ohio Women’s Retreat. They had a fantastic time. I did, too. We had Tara Barthel to speak her “Fear Not” retreat and had a beautiful, relaxing, encouraging time. She is lovely, funny, and an excellent speaker, we recommend her.
It was a good break week. Maybe a little busier than a true break, but I think we’re all ready to head back and finish our last 7 weeks before Yuletide Session.