Our Weekly Amble for January 25-29, 2016

This was the best week of formal school we’ve had since … September?
Just reminder to me to remind my readers that homeschooling is hard work. I was talking with two friends last night and they said oftentimes bloggers only post the good things, the true things, the beautiful things and that can be discouraging to the mom in the trenches. Ironically, I had already told another friend that there are weeks when homeschooling would be so much easier without children.
Children have meltdowns, children fiight, children disobey, children sin.
Mommys have meltdowns, mommys argue, mommys disobey, mommys sin.
It is a wonderful opportunity for repentence and teaching understanding and forging bonds. For fostering peace with gentleness and respect. I think I thought it would all be easy because we were together all the time, I don’t know why I thought that – such cozy, rosy images of snuggling and cuddling and enjoying each other’s company. If I want to build family culture, I’m going to have to work at it. And it’s work and continues to be work. None of the people involved in my homeschool are perfect and we struggle. Some days mightily.
But we continue to struggle because God’s mercies are new every morning. Because we really do love one another. Because this is the best way for our family. You won’t see a lot of the struggle details here. I’m having compassion on the adults my children will be someday. That’s part of why I don’t use their names (although they can be found if you poke around enough). Let it be known that there are squabbles between children. There are defiant moments. There is not enough cleaning up. There are frustrated, angry moments of “This is too hard, I’ll never understand this.” There are tears and anger and yelling and repentance. Building a family can be a messy business. Those days point us to God for help. The good days point us to Him in thanksgiving.
That being said, we really did have a good week! Less tantrums and fighting and arguing. I’ve been more proactive about making a good solid breakfast with a mix of carbs and a lot of protein and that has seemed to make a huge difference in the last couple of weeks. Also, the children appreciate it when I make the effort to cook lunch, so that has been happening. It actually, truly helps.
On Monday, we did struggle. It was a long day, but the work was accomplished and in the afternoon we had time to go to the local below-dam area and walk and observe. I posted those pictures on Wordless Wednesday this week.
On Tuesday, we finished our work and had organ lessons. R-girl and I have taken to going grocery shopping while the others are at their lesson. All this extra cooking means I’ve really got to have my menu plan down and my grocery list ready to go.
During school-time, M-girl and N-boy decided to start writing poetry for their written narrations. This was all their own idea like they were getting out of something? Here are two examples from the week (I think they’re mostly legible).
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From Age of Fable: Myrmionds by N-boy, Age 10 |
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From: This Country of Ours: Brandywine and Valley Forge by M-girl, Age 11 |
On Wednesday, we didn’t have anywhere to go or any extra activities. I told the children during one meltdown time that any schoolwork not completed by 2 would not go to quiet time and would be done during their time after quiet time. They buckeled down and finished. I had been allowing them to work until done and then have quiet time, but can’t go on like that.
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She has a desire to spell better, so we’re working on it. |
On Thursday, we did math, piano, and circle time then went to the zoo. It was glorious. Perhaps the perfect homeschooling day. We saw a baby gorilla, monkey, and six lion cubs. So cool.
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Math and Breakfast. A combo to get you going? |

On Friday, we had a similar schedule: math, piano, and Circle Time before we left for our Art with Friends group. R-girl finished MEP Year 2 math! So pleased for her!

Homeschooling would be easier without children. LOL. At work, I often think about my most challenging students: He/she would be lovely to hang out with if I didn't have to get them to produce any work. 🙂 I'm glad you all had such a good amble this week. Such fun!
Thank you, Mariel! I've heard former homeschoolers talk about the improved relationship they had with their children when they sent them to school. At this point we are determined to homeschool and improve the relationships.
Love the poem narrations! You will treasure them, I know. 🙂
Thanks, Anna. I enjoyed that process this week.
It IS so hard, but it can be snuggly and joyful . . . occasionally. We're in a tough season in our home, but I remember joyful seasons past, so I'm sure it will come again. I hope you're entering a joy-filled season now!
I hope so too. I think we are. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Homeschool AND parenting would be easier without children! :):):)
Thanks for being real! And I love the poetry- awesomeness!
Oh, yes. But not so much like parenting or homeschooling. Later, we talked about how we probably still wouldn't do all the things we'd like to because we'd be distracted by TV and internet instead of doing our work.
It was fun.
Oh, yes. But not so much like parenting or homeschooling. Later, we talked about how we probably still wouldn't do all the things we'd like to because we'd be distracted by TV and internet instead of doing our work.
It was fun.