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DYL currently has a rather lively debate regarding television and what our response to it should be as Christians. I haven’t made it through all of the comments, but am far enough to know that The Simpsons (a show that I don’t particularly care for) has been a big part of the contention. The NY Times recently printed an article that discusses The Simpsons and its spirituality.
Now, I’m not certain I agree with all of these assessments, but it is an interesting suggestion.
The article goes on to discuss the pros and cons of using sitcoms as discussion starters for Bible studies (mostly Andy Griffith, I Love Lucy and the Brady’s, not very modern stuff). I’m sort of torn on this issue. In the first place, it seems wrong to use this when discussing the things of God as Pastor Newton asserts, “”Such frivolity with the Word of God would never have crossed the minds of our Christian forefathers. Their regard for divine truth meant that they did not look at it for entertainment or amusement, but to have their souls laid bare and healed by the word implanted.” On the other hand, Paul pointed to the altar to “The Unknown God” in the Athenean pantheon in order to preach the gospel (Acts 17:16-34), and while not an exact parallel, I think a comparison could be made between ancient and modern idolatry.