Curriculum Review: God’s Alphabet for Life
God’s Alphabet for Life by Joel Beeke and Heidi Boorsma is a fantastic family devotional, especially for the low, low price of $6. (Frankly, I’ve been completely pleased by every purchase I’ve made from Reformation Heritage Books and would highly recommend them to anyone interested in Reformed books.)
I’ve noticed that many devotional books for young children are aimed at the “Children, obey your parents …” kind of verses. There is clearly a place for that, and I appreciate those books very much. It was, however, refreshing to use a devotional book that really aimed directly at our children’s hearts and put the gospel to them night after night. This little book spoke to the children (but not down to them) and still managed to challenge Jason and I in our understanding. We had wonderful discussions with the children that were instigated by the verse or the text of the devotion, and were often able to draw in bits and pieces from their memory work (Bible, Catechism, or Creed) to help them see a fuller picture of the teaching.
I imagine we’ll go back through this little book several times over the coming years as N-boy and R-girl grow older, it seemed to be perfect for M-girl’s age (5-7), but we know that N-boy was very convicted by several of the lessons. I *highly* recommend this devotional to those looking for such a thing.