Curriculum Review: Covenantal Catechsim Book 1

We used Covenantal Catechism Book 1 over the past year and a half. We took big breaks between weeks, though.
There wasn’t much I disliked about this Bible curriculum. We had a broad overview of the Old Testament and how Jesus can be seen throughout the Old Testament. I appreciated the themes of tracing the Line of Promise and the Line of Judgement and Death.
The children now have a good understanding of the major outline of the Old Testament.
My friend Mystie, wrote the review at Exodus Books and I, generally, agree with her. Except, I did like the “boys and girls” and “children” in the text and didn’t find it demeaning at all. We did this completely orally with me reading and then discussing through the questions, therefore, I only bought the Teacher Handbook for Book 2 … because it has the answers.
The songs are good (from a Psalter Hymnal – of course), the memory work Bible verse selections are great (I did look it up in ESV for us instead of the translation in the curriculum).
I’m looking forward to working through Book 2.