The Simple Woman’s Daybook for December 10, 2012
FOR TODAY Outside my window… it is cold and dark. Saw a few flakes of snow earlier. I am thinking… about Christmas cards. I am thankful… for a fun weekend. In the kitchen… I made chocolate bark last week and it is yummy. I am wearing… jeans and my snowman sweatshirt. I am creating… plans…
Book Review: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson (Family Read Aloud)
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson My rating: 4 of 5 stars Own. My parents are going to take the children to see the play this week and asked if we would read the book ahead of time. I don’t know if I’ve ever read it before; I’ve seen the play, though, so…
Book Review: Clouds of Witness by Dorothy L Sayers
Clouds of Witness by Dorothy L. Sayers My rating: 4 of 5 stars Library. I really enjoyed this murder mystery. Intriguing, not easy to figure out with so many other happenings that need to drawn away to find the actual event. It took a bit of work to get going, but once I did, I…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for November 19, 2012
FOR TODAY Outside my window… sunny and bright. I am thinking… about cleaning the basement. I should go get to work. I am thankful… to be on break! We’ve worked hard this year and I’m so glad to have this time “off.” Of course, the calendar is already pretty full for December … In the…

Wordless(ish) Wednesday for November14, 2012: Finished!
She finished today! It was like pulling teeth and getting her to concentrate when she reads is a chore. But she can do it!

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for November 12, 2012
FOR TODAY Outside my window… dark, but now it’s because it’s night. I am thinking… about eating ice cream and that I probably won’t. I am thankful… for a fantastic trip to Hilton Head Island with family. In the kitchen… there are groceries recently put away. I am wearing… jeans, green shirt, striped sweater. I…
Book Review: Black Beauty by Anna Sewell (Audio Book; Family Read Aloud)
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell My rating: 3 of 5 stars Librivox Recording For our drive home from Hilton Head we listened to the Librivox recording of Black Beauty. I never read it as a child and didn’t know what to expect. We had differing opinions throughout the family. The children enjoyed the story. They…
Book Review: The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien (Audio Book; Family Read Aloud)
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien My rating: 5 of 5 stars Own. I purchased this set of CDs for our recent drive to Hilton Head. It was a wonderful choice! The book, of course, is wonderful. The children loved the story. We didn’t quite finish on our drive in, and they begged for the story…
Thank you, I think …
Thank you to whomever nominated me for a HS Blog award. I’m pretty certain it’s unmerited … and I plan on voting for someone else in my category 😉 Take some time to check out a new blog or two and vote for some of your favorites …