Book Review: Holy is the Day by Carolyn Weber
Holy Is the Day: Living in the Gift of the Present by Carolyn Weber My rating: 5 of 5 stars Own. I pre-ordered Carolyn Weber’s new book, Holy is the Day in June (Yay!). It came while we were on vacation (Boo!). I opened it yesterday with some trepidation; how could it possibly stand up…

Wordy Wednesday: Performance Pride
I pre-ordered Carolyn Weber‘s new book, Holy is the Day in June (Yay!). It came while we were on vacation (Boo!). I opened it yesterday with some trepidation; how could it possibly stand up to her previous book, my favorite read from last year: Surprised by Oxford. Is she going to be a one-hit wonder?…
Tuesday is Two Days after Sunday
I’m going to start trying to write a little something mid-week about the sermon(s) I hear on Sunday. I have a tendency to hear the sermon, remember it long enough to talk about it with the children on our drive, and then promptly leave it behind. I’m hoping that revisiting it a couple of days…
Book Review: The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann R Wyss
The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann David Wyss My rating: 5 of 5 stars Librivox Download. Excellently read by Kara Shallenberg. We listened to this on our travels. All five of us enjoyed it immensely. Obviously, there is no place on earth where this number and variety of vegetation, animals and landscapes reside together on…
Book Review: Hangman’s Holiday by Dorothy Sayers
Hangman’s Holiday: A Collection of Short Mysteries by Dorothy L. Sayers My rating: 4 of 5 stars Library. I enjoyed this book of short stories much more than the last. I think I knew it was short stories ahead of time, which helped. Also, I would read a story, then put the book down and…
Book Review: Leonardo and the Last Supper by Ross King
Leonardo and the Last Supper by Ross King My rating: 3 of 5 stars Own. Kindle. Meh. This was a very kind birthday present from my brother. I had a hard time enjoying it, unfortunately. King gives some biographical information about Leonardo and his patron, Ludovico Sforza and discusses the period during which they live. …

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for October 7, 2013
FOR TODAY Outside my window…is quite the departure from last week’s sun and blue skies! It’s grey, and cold, and rainy. I am thinking…what a wonderful time we had in Hilton Head last week! I am thankful…that we had safe travels to and fro and that I’m mostly unpacked already this morning. In the kitchen…I’m…