GoodReads with Kids

I love GoodReads.  There are so many ways to use it! I, mostly, use it to track my current reading and write reviews.  You can catalog your library. You can keep your TBR list.  It can be used very socially …. I do like seeing what others are reading.  You can win free books (I…

2014 Organizational Charts

On Monday I promised I would post our Assignment Sheet and Organizational Chart System. Remember that we have a nine day, Two-Week cycle.  Week A is 5 days and we do History lessons and assigned Science reading.  Week B is 4 days and we do Science lessons with assigned History Readings.  This schedule worked well…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for January 13, 2014

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for January 13, 2014

FOR TODAY the first day of school!Outside my window…is a wet, grey, January day.  At least it isn’t as blustery. Praising God…that He makes all things beautiful in time … and that His mercies are new every morning. I am thinking…I need some of those mercies for tomorrow. I am thankful…for the ability to educate…