Wednesdays with Words: A New Delight in Formality
I’ve been reading Dorothy Sayers’ Lord Peter Wimsey series off and on over the course of the past year and have finally begun Gaudy Night. It is my understanding that this is everyone’s favorite, everyone loves it, and my expectations are high. I just hope not too high. I’m only part-way into the first chapter,…

Wednesdays with Words: A Romance Still Unread
For Christmas last year, my MIL gave me a copy of Stories from the Old Squire’s Farm by C A Stephens (compiled and edited by Charles G Waugh and Eric-Jon Waugh). Since it is a collection of short stories, we’ve decided to make it our next Famly Read Aloud during soccer season. We’ve only read…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 22, 2014
FOR TODAY Outside my window… it is cloudy and cool. Feels like fall. I am thinking… about today’s lessons. We’re having a 15 minute break right now. I am thankful… for a busy, yet productive weekend. In the kitchen… a favorite fall meal: Acorn Squash with Sausage meatballs. Yum. I am wearing… sweat pants with Buckeye…

Embrace the Ordinary: Lego, Lego, Lego my Lego
Do you have Lego-maniacs in your home? I have three. Both drawers are full of Legos … I totally get it, I liked Legos when I was a kid; one of the few girls I knew who did. And if Lego Friends had been a thing then, I would’ve liked them even more. The children…

Weekly-ish Report for September 2-20, 2014
One of my overarching reasons for blogging is to track our homeschool successes (and failures). I have been a bit lax in the last few weeks, not getting to the computer to spend the time to think through what we’ve been doing and what we ought to be doing. This will be a general update….
Book Review: Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C O’Brien (Family Read Aloud)
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C. O’Brien My rating: 3 of 5 stars Own. We read this as a family over the past several months. All of us enjoyed it pretty well. We found a lot to discuss in this book: stealing, learning, dangers, friendships, service to others. We had some…

Wednesdays with Words: We Were Curious
We finished Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH last week. While it wasn’t the favorite readaloud we’ve done, all of us did enjoy the book. I was particularly interested in how the rats furthered their education. The reading we did! We knew very little about the world, you see, and we were curious. We…