Sound of Music Cake
M-girl turned 10 (TEN) on Monday. Months ago she asked for a Sound of Music cake and I was unsure of how to accomplish that. Then, I had an idea for crafty, not piped. I baked a bowl cake (as I did for N-boy’s Hobbit Cake). I used the internet, my printer, and laminator….

School Disguised as Gifts: Logic Card Games
Last week, I wrote some about the individual Logic Games we’ve given our children. These are games they can do on their own. We also love games that we can play together, and a lot of those are logic games. There is a sense where most games have logic built in, but some games it…

Wednesdays with Words: In Former Times
More from CS Harris’s Sebastian St. Cyr novels. She has an impressive ability to select words from the period to introduce the novel. While the series has those not-so-subtle anti-religion themes which are annoying (and only vaguely plot-necessary), the character development and mysteries are both quite good. As the series has developed, I like how…

School Disguised as Gifts: Logic Toys
Another type of gift we like to give our children are individual play logic games. I like that they can take these to quiet time and work through them with no interference (or help) and struggle to solve the problems. Some samples we’ve given throughout the years are: Kanoodle/Lonpos: In this game, your child learns…

Wednesdays with Words: Go and Catch
I’m back to reading Sebastian St. Cyr novels. I took a month off because I was really disconcerted by the anti-religion slant of the books, but as I thought about it, I realized that Harris isn’t so much anti-religion as anti-hypocrisy. She never once censures characters whose actions match their profession, rather lashes out at…

Are you following any 31 Days Blogs?
A number of blog-friends are posting 31 Days of Blogging series, I’m really excited to read these! You might be interested in following some or all of them: Are there any 31 Days Series that you recommend?

School Disguised as Gifts: Art Calendar
We are totally those “mean” parents who give school items as Christmas, birthday, and Easter gifts. We enjoy fostering a lifestyle of learning for our children and they don’t really know otherwise. Some of my blog friends have asked me to share these “extras” and I considered doing a 31 Days series of Homeschool Extras,…