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Oh, and because I know you’re all dying to know what I’m reading now/next, yesterday I forgot to mention that I started the newest of Francine Rivers’ Lineage of Grace series called: Unspoken. It is a Novella-ized version of Bathsheba and the grace that was extended her and David despite their great sin. I’m enjoying…

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Well, I finally finished reading Letters from a Skeptic and my initial thoughts were dead on. I’m glad I finished it though. Now I can start something else. I got a copy of Five Views on Apologetics for my sister for her birthday (Happy Birthday, Kristy! She’s already opened the present, I’m not just telling…

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It seems Narnia will remain Narnia. However, there is still something disturbing about this issue: Before commissioning any new works, [Susan] Katz says, “we will think long and hard and spend time with the estate. Our main focus is quality literature for children. We like to feel that if some of our 520 books a…

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Last night I went to my second ladies’ Bible Study through church. We’re reading/studying a book called Trusting God Even When Life Hurts. It is a pretty interesting book (although I still have about 3 catch-up chapters to read). Last night one point of our discussion really hit me: God is sovereign in the miraculous…

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I added about 6 new links … my links are in no order whatsoever, maybe I’ll work on that later. Also, I know the color doesn’t work right, I think the non-followed links on this template are the same color as the background, which is just weird. I recommend hovering over the blank spaces if…

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Couldn’t someone ask these guys why “playing God” with rhubarb is evil but playing God with humans doesn’t seem to bother them at all? Now, before anyone jumps on my case for opposing stem-cell research, let me explain something. My mom (the one who gave birth to me, not the one who raised me) has…

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Jim Hart and accidentaljulie both linked to the Newsweek article about Christian Rock from a couple of weeks ago. Personally, I found it a fairly boring article. NRO Guest Columnist, Mark Joseph has written an excellent response to it with a better understanding of why “Christian Rock” is mainstreaming.