Untitled Post
We decided to let Meg go outside and see the snow. Here she is with her Daddy and Zeke.Posted by Hello
We decided to let Meg go outside and see the snow. Here she is with her Daddy and Zeke.Posted by Hello
Margaret wishes you a Merry Christmas in her Christmas dressPosted by Hello
Grandpa, Grandma, Meg, and her cousin Emmett.Posted by Hello
Just sitting around.Posted by Hello
Her Heisman pose. (Thank goodness White didn’t become the second two-time Heisman winner!)Posted by Hello
With 3rd cousin David (on right)Posted by Hello
Napping with Daddy.Posted by Hello
Meg at 3 days with her grandmaPosted by Hello
I’m getting all sorts of hits for a several years old post on the Christmas song “Fum, Fum, Fum” which is not a favorite of mine, but hey, hits is hits when I’m not posting often 🙂 Meg is doing great: more than 13 lbs already and sleeping pretty well at night. I’m not really…
We are moved. We are not, however, unpacked. And barely do we have internet access. Twill be a while.