Book Review: Classical Education and the Homeschool by Wesley Callihan, Douglas Jones, and Douglas Wilson

Classical Education and the Homeschool is a short little 61 page book(let) introducing ideas about Christian Classical Education. Funny how that works out 🙂 I did think it was a bit lacking on the “and the Homeschool” portion. It introduces parents to ideas that are a part of the Classical tradition (logic, Latin, rhetoric) that…

Weekly Report: 1/4/10-1/8/10

Weekly Report: 1/4/10-1/8/10

OK, so we didn’t actually do school this week. My official mental scheduled start date is “The Monday following N-boy’s birthday & Epiphany.” My plan for this week was to finish planning, plan chore packs (a la Managers of Their Chores), take down the Christmas decorations, and clean the house preparing for N-boy’s family party…


Today, at the haircut place (not a barber shop; more a salon, but that’s too girly for my boy … [sigh]) we were looking at the style books whilst waiting N-boy’s turn. The style for boys seems to be gelled and spikey in the front; N-boy is not a fan. As we teasingly asked him…