The Simple Woman’ Daybook for February 8, 2010
FOR TODAY February 8, 2010… Outside my window… the sun is glistening through the frozen trees and reflecting off the snow. I am thinking… about starting school in a bit. I am thankful for… the sun. It is much cheerier. From the learning rooms… We’re studying Chile this week. From the kitchen… Sticky Chicken in…

Snow Ice Cream
Snow Ice Cream was surprisingly tasty. Take a big bowl of snow, add sweetened condensed milk and vanilla, have the children stir: Serve!

Snow Days!
The girls did some sledding with the neighbors across the street. R-girl even carried the sled back up the hill. It is almost as big as she is! 12″ of snow. In 24 hours. Fun stuff! Jason worked hard clearing the front walk and the driveway. He appreciated the neighbor lending his snow blower….

Weekly Report: 2/1/10-2/5/10
Getting into a rhythm. We had a pretty good week. Memory Work: I thought I’d share our Memory Work binder with you for this week. I adapted the idea from Simply Charlotte Mason. Some others have done similar ideas, like Mnemosyne. I took a binder. I used these page dividers: Table of Contents Daily Odd…
That funny N-boy
N-boy calls, “Mommy! R-girl …” Mommy interrupts, “N-boy, you know I don’t want to hear any sentences that begin, ‘R-girl.’” N-boy thinks for a moment, then says, “I was hit by R-girl, Mommy.” I walked out of the room laughing.

The Simple Woman’ Daybook for February 1, 2010
FOR TODAY February 1, 2010… Outside my window… the snow is melting away, but it is still very cold. I am thinking… about what all I need to accomplish planning wise before the homeschool conference. I am thankful for… R-girl going potty on her own one time this morning! From the learning rooms… we’re studying…
Geography Plans
Heather asked how I decided about our Geography Study. As I thought through what we were going to do this year before starting our History rotation next year, I thought having an idea of the world and where places were would be a good idea. Last summer we had a school “dry run” where we…

Weekly Report: 1/25/10-1/29/10
We had a nice week. We’re getting into a groove where the whole getting started isn’t as hard as 2 weeks ago. The potty training experiment failed on Wednesday I put diapers back on R-girl. Jason had to work long hours this week and it was a difficult week to chose. We’ll try again next…