The Simple Woman’ Daybook for August 16, 2010
FOR TODAY August 16, 2010 Outside my window… the humidity has broken for a few days and it is surprisingly nice. I’ll have to send the kiddos out when they awaken. I am thinking… about yesterday’s sermon comparing & contrasting Martha & Mary’s response to Jesus on the event of Lazarus’ death. And Mary &…

Cedar Point
We had a great day at Cedar Point despite the heat. My favorite story: at the end of the evening N-boy and M-girl were riding the race cars that whip around the curves at the end. There were plenty of cars and they could’ve ridden by themselves. When this was pointed out to them, M-girl…
Another CiRCE Chat!
We were at Cedar Point yesterday (pictures forthcoming sometime) and I missed the most recent CiRCE Chat. Happily, the transcript is still available. I’ve read it once, need to do it again to pick up some more before commenting. Please feel free to discuss anything in my comments! The next chat (August 26 at 3pm)…

The Simple Woman’ Daybook for August 9, 2010
FOR TODAY Monday, August 9, 2010 … Outside my window… it is hot and humid. Dog days of summer, indeed. I am thinking… about how much there is to accomplish this week and how little time there is to accomplish it. I am thankful for… good friends like the Tullys who let us come to…

Field Trip: Touch a Truck
Today was the annual Touch a Truck event in my parents’ town. We climbed in and around everything from fire trucks to mail trucks to two kinds of buses. This year, they added a TV news helicopter and van with equipment. We stayed and watched the helicopter take off; it was exciting! This is N-boy’s…

Field Trip: COSI
R-girl and N-boy playing the drum with their heartbeats. The laser harp. Ah! He shot at me with the water gun! (thankfully, I was behind protective glass.) R-girl pulled “herself” up in the chair thanks to pulleys. M-girl was trying to build bridges. N-boy too. We had a fun day at CoSI!

Weekly Report: 7/24/10-7/30/10
We did one day and a little of school this week … but we had 2 big field trips! On Tuesday, we enjoyed a day learning at COSI with my parents and niece and nephew. Today, we went to the Touch a Truck event in my parents’ town. Pictures to come. Memory Work: Bible: We…