A Month of Thanks: Day 7
I’m thankful for the return of the hours’ sleep that was taken away in the spring 😉
I’m thankful for the return of the hours’ sleep that was taken away in the spring 😉
I’m thankful for my parents who took the girls to my sister’s Fall Party while I stayed home with a starting-to-be-sick N-boy.
Are you really sure, Amanda? Here goes: Books we own: The First Thanksgiving by Lena Barksdale and Lois Lenski I just love this one. There are 4 chapters and we read one each day Sunday-Wednesday. It is a “third generation” … a young girl goes to her grandparents for the first time for Thanksgiving. Her…
I am thankful for our public library and the ability to request books online. I’m thankful that I don’t have to own all the Thanksgiving books I requested this week. I should go get them today 😉
I’m thankful my children enjoy playing with one another and generally play really nicely together. Especially on days when I’m not feeling well.
I am thankful that I can be home with my children; not only that I can, but that my husband wouldn’t have it any other way. I am thankful that *his* mom set this standard and taught him the importance of being with and for her children.
I am thankful to the Founding Fathers for their wisdom and fortitude. May we so stand for principle today. From the Declaration of Independence: We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the…
Daisy started (last week) a Month of Thanksgiving. I decided to start in November, not that I don’t have enough to be thankful for to have started earlier, I’ve just been crazy busy. So I’m choosing to start today. Today, as I said below in my Daybook post, I am thankful for the believers who…
FOR TODAY November 1, 2010 … Outside my window… the grass is no longer silvery with frost. I am thinking… well, now Anna has me thinking about Christmas! [yikes!] I am thankful … For All the Saints who from their labors rest. From the learning rooms… looks like I’m down to two students this morning….