Book Review: A Praying Life by Paul E Miller
A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller My rating: 4 of 5 stars Own on Kindle. I had borrowed this book from the church library, but downloaded it for Kindle (before I had one … hooray for Kindle for PC!) I enjoyed this. It was an encouraging read in an area that I could particularly…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for February 20, 2012
FOR TODAY Outside my window… is sunny and cold.I am thinking… about yesterday’s sermon. It was fantastic! I am thankful… for a pastor who is so serious about preaching God’s Word.In the kitchen… I haven’t cooked for a few days. I am wearing… jeans and a pink sweater. I am creating… a pile of ironing…
Commonplace Entries: Evening in the Palace of Reason
My full review is here. I folded down many more corners that only really make sense in context. These are the quotes that are related to issues I’ve been considering and that are easily pulled out. I hope they give you an idea of why I liked this book so much. Gaines’ premise: A work…
Family Read Aloud: The Cat of Bubastes (Audio Book)
We’ve been studying ancients in school for a while, and last summer sometime I downloaded The Cat of Bubastes by GA Henty from Librivox.org. The children and I have been listening when we had 30 minute car trip here and there. For a time R-girl hated it, so we backed off, but finally convinced her…
Book Review: Evening in the Palace of Reason
Evening in the Palace of Reason: Bach Meets Frederick the Great in the Age of Enlightenment by James R. Gaines My rating: 5 of 5 stars Own. Gaines has written a beautiful book exploring the transition of generations during the Enlightenment. The writing itself draws the reader in, is lucid, and develops its structure beautifully….

Weekly Report for 2/13-217/2012
The week is done. [phew] It was quite a gauntlet. We had Thursday off for Bible Study, but otherwise got through quite a bit. Phonics: R-girl: is finished with the double vowel section in OPG! She’s reading very well, but needs continual practice and is really ready to work on r-controlled vowels and multi-syllable words….

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for February 13, 2012
FOR TODAY Outside my window… it is one of those really sunny, really cold days. I am thinking… I wish my “a” key worked better. I am thankful… for my family, immediate and extended. In the kitchen… I tried this Honey Almond Flourless cake on Saturday. It was OK, but not one to make again….
Book Review: How to Tutor Your Own Child by Marina Koestler Ruben
How to Tutor Your Own Child: Boost Grades and Instill a Lifelong Love of Learning–Without Paying for a Professional Tutor by Marina Koestler Ruben My rating: 4 of 5 stars Library. This was surprisingly helpful. I was thinking it might have a few ideas worth skimming through, but really I found a lot of good…