Book Review: Phantastes by George MacDonald


PhantastesPhantastes by George MacDonald
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I listened to this on Audible, but the Glen Reed narration which isn’t here on GoodReads.

I read some of it on Kindle as well, but I mostly listened.

I’m afraid the narrator wasn’t as delightful as I would have preferred. I made it through and I think I followed most of the story but his voice was a little of a drone and easy to begin to tune out from time to time.

That said, I was tracking until the last two chapters and then I was like “what did I just listen to?” I’m looking forward to hearing what Angelina and Cindy on The Literary Life podcast have to say. Perhaps they can detangle the end for me a little? Fairy Land seemed delightful, I hope home life became so because of it.

I *liked* the book but the end was not what I expected … at all. And I’m a little thrown off by that.

View all my reviews

This is the version I listened to:


  1. Somehow I missed that you read this! I need to reread it…. it’s been years. I remember having a similar reaction, though, especially at the end. Have you read Lilith?

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